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On October 31 I  sat down in an attempt to schedule 4 consecutive sessions with my coach before the end of December. I was able to fit in 2. 

What gives…?. Busy work (always grateful to be doing what I love),  travel schedule (very fortunate to be able to),  and the HOLIDAYS.

Where focus goes, energy flows and if we are not careful, it is easy to succumb to extra curricular plans and commitments surrounding the holidays, starting with the menu prep for Thanksgiving here in the US!

It is in times like these, when time can feel scarce, that we focus on energy management  just as much as time management. We are so used to trying to give the best to people of our time, that we forget to consider the energy we bring to our interactions and to do’s. 

Enter undivided attention and deliberate focus to blend into your time management.  A few things to bring balanced energy into the mix…

Each evening, review meetings and tasks for the next day. 

Taking 10 minutes to get yourself prepared for tomorrow can make a big difference in feeling grounded and calm when the alarm goes off vs. frazzled.

Take note of transition times. 

Do you actually have time to get everything done? Are there back-to-back commitments without time to transaction from one thing to the next? Consider meetings scheduled close together as well.  

Be present and focus on the current moment.

If it was you, would you agree that 30 minutes of someone’s undivided attention is better than 1 hour of their distraction? Make a note to meet commitments and tasks with focus on the moment at hand vs. being distracted by the phone & thinking of everything else that has to get done. This will not only protect your own energy, but that of your friends’. 

Prioritize recharging your batteries

Once time has passed, we cannot get it back. Energy on the other hand is renewable. Remember your own needs in busy times – we cannot pour from an empty cup.

On particularity busy days I think of an affirmation to help me stay grounded and in good spirits. Then, use the Reminder app on my phone to keep me accountable throughout the day. Below are a few of my favorite ones. Feel free to copy/paste into your own phone reminders.

Where focus goes, energy flows. For today, I remain focused on the task at hand no matter unforeseen distractions. 

Today, I am fully present, attentive and aware in each moment. 

I am the gatekeeper of my own time and energy. 

If a problem arises, I spend my energy on SOLUTIONS vs. time on the problem.

I do not live pressured or behind.  I live proactively and efficiently.

​​I make time for what’s truly important in my life.

I can always decipher what is important and what isn’t important.

Let the Holidays begin!

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Chocolate lemon drops cookie chupa chups fruitcake topping. Toffee dessert topping gummies fruitcake.

10 steps to being a better you