Change the way you look at things and the things you look at change ~ Dr. Wayne Dyer. This quote has been a North Star concept for me since I first heard it around a decade ago. What does the sentence really mean? That the late Dr. Wayne Dyer was wowoo and insinuated that by the mere look at a thing, we can actually make it change physical shape?

Not so much. At least not my interpretation. In this week’s journal entry, let’s look at the concept of perspective. How, we ourselves have the choice to decide how happenings in the world around us affect us. It is a Universal truth that, in Life, there are things WITHIN our control and things OUT OF our control. Circumstances in our control. Or circumstances out of our control. That’s just the way the world works. But here’s the thing… we can choose our thoughts around those things out of our control. We get to decide what to make things actually means to us. Let’s say that you are meeting a friend for coffee, and your friend is late. That is the circumstance. Plain and simple, someone is late. Your thoughts as you sit there sipping your coffee, waiting, dictates everything. Your emotions are now directly tied to thoughts you are having about what is happening. What you choose to make this mean. In reality - a NUMBER of things could have happened to make someone late. Remember - we get to choose our perspective. Perspective is everything. Change the way you look at things and things you look at change. XO, Camilla