Seasons come and go here in Colorado, the same is true in life. Even our best laid plans and amazing goals get knocked off track from time to time. Life happens, that’s just it. Circumstances pop up – some we can control, and some we cannot.
My plan for this month was to be in a “Season of Hustle” with a capital H to finish this year STRONG, knocking out unfinished goals before 2023. Then life happened, a circumstance outside of my control.
So, where I really am, in this moment, is in a season of feeling all the feelings and needing to rest. Of needing connection with my family + friends. Of reassessing what really matters to me in life and what my true values are.
The GOALS can wait for just a moment. That is OK. They are not forgotten, not thrown out the window. Soon, I will be ready to once again pull up my bootstraps and go for it full force as is my usual speed.
Being kind to ourselves and having our own backs is more important now than ever.
The collective consciousness is in a season of election discussions sprinkled with some frustration and fear. The corporate world is pushing hard for Year End recap & 2023 Business Planning.
Being aware of what we need as individuals in our body and soul is a good way to stay balanced in the hustle.
What season are you in?

We can honor our commitments AND ourselves at the same time. Remember, you cannot pour from an empty cup.