I just have to get through the Holidays then I’m going to: “FILL IN THE BLANK”. Did this resonate with you? It does with me. I’ve actively participated in this same conversation with a number of friends over the past few weeks. Here’s what’s come up for me as I’ve pondered these discussions: I don’t really want to “get through” anything. What I want is to have fun, to enjoy every moment of it and SHOW UP for my family, friends, colleagues and for myself. Not only do I want to enjoy and savor the extra festivities right now - but some new habits I want to explore really do not have to be on hold until January 1, 2023. Who would have thunk?! New things can be started in the middle of the week on an odd numbered day - it doesn't have to be on a Monday, the 1st of the Month or a New Year? IF I really wanted to, I could start on a small habit changes right now, and kick off -23 feeling fresh and energized. #newmindset #mindblown

Between now and the New Year, I will start one SMALL new routine that will set me up for success, that will help me feel rested + energized to go for the BIG goals. Is there anything percolating in your mind that could help you feel amazing TODAY if you took one small step towards it? XO, Camilla