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I’ll start this journal entry with a story of a Belief I once had. It was a personal,  LIMITING belief. I spoke to a good friend about it a few weeks ago, and together we laughed pretty hard.. Because in hindsight it’s just so silly I would conjure up the thought I am about to share with you. 
Thoughts… thoughts really are the root of beliefs.  In the words of Abraham Hicks; “a belief is just a thought we keep thinking”. 
Ok, back to an old personal limiting belief of mine. 
I was 23 years young and a proud new State of Colorado Real Estate licensee. The sky was now the limit, and I set out in the real estate industry to learn the biz from the ground up. I got a job  as an assistant at a successful resort developer, for a successful team of agents. Go me! 
Then - I sat in a team meeting with well polished, dressed-in-Chanel,  very successful “older-than-me” women… and the comparison game started.  Along the way I decided that no way could I ever truly make it in the real estate industry.
I had a slightly crooked front tooth. How unprofessional.
Thankfully, I went on to create a successful career in the industry based on being a go-getter, always getting the job done and providing value to my coworkers… crooked tooth and all LOL!! 
The belief fell to the side because I just stopped thinking about it. Along the way I created evidence for myself that I could INDEED be very successful regardless of my dentistry. 
What we tell ourselves is 10 times more powerful than what others speak. Our thoughts are always embedded in our results. Science backs this data. 
So here is the magical part. You have the choice to think whatever thoughts you want. It takes the same amount of energy to believe something as it does to doubt…  

If crappy thoughts seem to linger around, it is 100% to borrow someone else's thoughts for a bit. I have recently taken to quote Gandalf, fighting the Balrog, whenever unnerving thoughts pop up. Here's what I say to doubt and fear 🤩:
How do you use the power of beliefs to your advantage? How to you face limiting beliefs? 


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10 steps to being a better you