In the Words of Mel Robbins, life is one long road trip. Your past - behind you in the rear view mirror. The future - in front of you through the windshield. The open road, right in front of you. The mile markers along the road are made up of special moments in time; birthdays, weddings, loss, the moment you said YES to something that would forever change the course of your life. In the world of science these moments are called Temporal Landmarks, and research supports why these moments are so powerful.

These moments provide a natural space to pause. A chance to pull over for a second and consider, to go inward and reflect. There are many metaphors around this… Who do you want in the car with you? How fast do you want to go? How slow do you want to go? Any detours or special destinations you want to hit on the way? A study by Wharton School of Business University of Pennsylvania shows that us humans put great emphasis on Temporal Landmarks. The study breaks down how being aware of them allows us to tap into the magic of:

In the act of pause and reflection, there is a moment where we leave our old selves behind and create a clean slate. It sets the state for us envisioning all of the opportunities we will have to create whatever change it is we seek. It creates a fresh start, a blank page - to start over. The Fresh Start Effect can work amazingly in our favor, or we can turn it against ourselves in the way of procrastination. By paying attention to moment is life vs. waiting for big landmarks to pop up on the calendar, we can start to create our very own Temporal Landmarks throughout our lives - vs. waiting for time to pass until a momentous date on the calendar. Here's to a year of being present in the moment, and celebrating our journey along the way! XO, Camilla